Gmail Checker plus Chrome extension XSS
extension: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/gffjhibehnempbkeheiccaincokdjbfe
Exploit available:yes
So in this case "Google Mail Checker Plus" version 1.1.7 (2010-02-10)
has a flaw that allow attackers to make XSS style attacks.
All extensions runs over his origin and no have way to altered data from extension or get sensitive data like , email account or password etc..
if we look how many users have instaled this extension =>
303,711 users have instaled it (WoW)
Google Mail Checker Plus allows users to view wen they have a new mail and
view a preview of the mail ....
if a attacker compose a new mail with html or javascript code in subject form field and send it to victim´s the code is executed wen Victim´s click in the extension to view the mail and wen victim´s accept the alert and view a preview of mail the iframe is executed too.
Gmail is a safe place , but the extension to manage it can be a potential
vector to attack it.
For example send a email With a logout acction in gmail in subject
"><iframe src="https://mail.google.com/mail/?logout&hl=es"></iframe>
it closes the sesion on gmmail , this is a XSRF , and , in the case what you say aa
it is executed in context and the location.href value is "about:blank"
So we have dispute it in http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=45401
The developer has release a patch version in trunk =>
please donload it and copy to your extension folder to solve it.
See Diff => http://github.com/AndersSahlin/MailCheckerPlus/commit/54ab118e505feae819e676c8e525e8fe5409c981#diff-0
Thnx for your time !!!
Lostmon (lostmon@gmail.com)
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