IE8 Save as Title Bug

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
IE8 is have a bug thats allow denial access to
function "save as" if a html document have a very
long title.

By default wen a user try to clik in "save as "
the browser use the html title as the file name to
save; but if this title is very long , explorer give
a error because it can´t save this file.

Explorer can´t save files with the title longer
than 261 characters , them explorer give a warning
with a error that the file can´t save.

I think that this not have any security implication,
and i send it to MSRC and they think the same.

MSRC Response:

"agree with your assessment that this does not appear to
be a security issue. It may be a bug though so I am going
to forward your information directly to the product team
for considerations in a future non-security update"

a simple PoC of this situation:

<TITLE>A*261 chars</TITLE>

###########End #################

thank to all Lostmon groups team
Thnx to estrella to be my ligth

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