Google Chrome close() issue

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Google Chrome close() issue
article =

Chrome Version : (Build oficial )
URLs (if applicable) :
Other browsers tested:
Safari 4: OK
Firefox 3.x:OK
IE 7: OK
IE 8: OK

What steps will reproduce the problem?

1 - open a web page
2 - navigate to ther page.

Google chrome automatic closes the tab and if we have
only one tab , it closes the process chrome.

What is the expected result?

google chrome don´t close or prompt for close.

What happens instead?

Google chrome closes the tab or if we have only
one tab it closse too without any confirmation.


for test all of this need a instaled web server,
and some patience XDD

tesst 1

Create a new html document and write in:

<html><body onload='close()'></body></html>
save it as test1.html in c:\test\ for testing.

1.1 - Open google Chrome and open it with file handler like
Chrome does not close the window and nothing apears...

1.2 - Open The file in a trust intranet zone via
htttp://localhost/test/test1.html or via ip
Chrome does not close the window and nothing apears...

1.3 - Open hard disk and select c:\test\test1.html rigth
click and open with Google Chrome.
Chrome open and close auth.

if we change to other even like onblur ,with onfocus event
it´s interesting because if we try to use inspector to view
the source code, we click in body tag , and we close inspector
the tab is close too,this only aparently afects,wen we open the
html document with test mode 1.3

so this issue aparently can´t exploit in a remote scenario.

test 2

create a new html file and wirte inside , and save it as
test2.html in the test folder.


<title>.:[-Google Chrome close() issue PoC By Lostmon-]:.</title>
try { CloseCrome(); } catch(e) {
close(); }
<h2>.:[-Google Chrome close() issue PoC By Lostmon-]:.</h2>

<p>Google Chrome : (Build oficial )<br>
WebKit 530.5<br>V8<br>
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US)<br>
AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5</p>


2.1 - Open it via file protocol handler file:///c:/test/test2.html ,
Chrome does not close the window and nothing aparently apears.
but if we try to navigate to other site like
the tab closes auth.

2.2 - Open it in trust web server http://localhost/test/test2.html ,
or Chrome does not close
the window and nothing aparently apears ;but if we try to navigate
to other site like the tab closes auth.

2.3 - Open hard disk and select c:\test\test2.html rigth
click and open with Google Chrome.
Chrome open and close auth.


This issue can be a vulnerability , and this can be used for
example to built malwares that can be tramp the browser in a
determinate location and if the user try to look the code
(onfocus)or try to navigate to other site (test2.html)or other
event,the window can close without interaction,them if a
malware or a malicious web page or a browser hijacker can
load as a default web page and them this can be a
Denial Of Service Condition

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