Pieces about me.

Sunday, April 10, 2005
After of almost a year from my first appearance, or my first advisory,
today I want to leave something about my interests my restlessness.
I am a normal boy of 35 years of age, interested in the informatics
world in the branch of the security that is evident; I never have
money to pay for an academic face to me formation and never
even let’s persecute that dream,the future, the technologic.
with many efforts y time gain a part of my goal, to know to
whatever on different systems, and since then I do what others did
not do with me, quick support in channels of IRC aid, resolutions
of problems, contribute articles to publications and webs, I distribute
the conclusions and analysis of some of the advisories that I publish
and attempt to help on the basis of my knowledge the developers
as far as possible.

That it is what interests to me? It interests to me to continue with my
formation and it interests to me to continue evolving towards a
greater and better knowledge of the systems, I like to specialize in
security in Web applications . this year after of a few sacrifices,
finally can may to make the course that always I wanted to do; but
that by lack of time and resources I could not... I hope to obtain I title
corresponding to.http://www.uoc.edu/masters/
if somebody wishes to esponsorice me or to contribute
to my formation I am "open" to ideas.

Despite this it has been a good year, and thanks to this called
invention Internet, and the support and supported by many
friends and organizations,I see much but there of which at first
few years ago I imagines,and that gives desire me to continue
ahead and to offer the best thing of my.

Thnx to estrella she I plant in my the seed of curiosity and night after night gave support me.
Thnx to all security list what they investigate and publish my investigations.
Thnx to all vendors who believed in me
Thnx to OSVDB for deposited confidence in my
Thnx to http://www.ayuda-internet.net for they support
for a few times a go, thnx to all team.
Thnx to icaro and Rapt[] from http://www.hispanew.com for they support and its friendship
Thnx to [XK],pusa.p4nd0r4,and pupas,RotteW ,Brink,IsMaX,^Maat^ and all Dismarking Team and much others they are a good friends,
Thnx to Jose luis form >http://www.vsantivirus.com they make a very good work for the comunity !!!


La curiosidad es lo que hace mover la mente



My blog:http://lostmon.blogspot.com
Lostmon Google group

La curiosidad es lo que hace
mover la mente...
