How safe is shopping on internet

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
In the latest days, they are possible to be read in different sites,
the news on the increase of the Phishing, today I want to raise a
reflection, whichever safe is to buy today in Internet in day?

Diabolic Crab has reported multitude of vulnerabilities in different
systems based on virtual stores, i myself I have reported some of
them,and others "vulns finders" and today considers to me cueston
to where have part of fault vendors or developers of software of
these increases of phishing?

Is trustworthy the content that this seeing or has been manipulated
before arriving at you? the developers of software day to day need a
new figure that is appraised in Internet "aplications to tester"
understood in looking for the new vulnerabilities in new products and
new programming languages...

A simple failure of validation can may to get to be reason for phishing
in its product? is a reality what the user in the purchases by Internet
are trusted when day to day they see themselves and continue seeing
that in if many of mayor products or CMS for e-comerce are not reliable even.

atentamente :
Lostmon (
Data Mangler of:
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